Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vintage Drag Bike Ressurection at Wheels Through Time

 I'm not sure just how this escaped my attention for so long, but I recently noticed a post on the FakeBook group for Mark Wang's True Vintage Dragbike Racing with part three of this story.

As it turns out, even part 3 of the series is labeled "3 years ago" so if this is old news to you, I'm not surprised. However I thought it might be worthwhile to put links to all three of the videos here in one place for those who, like me, have been living under a rock and missed it.  

It seems that Matt Walksler is carrying on his father's legacy by making sure that the vintage motorcycles displayed in the Wheels Through Time museum are all in running condition. In this case, Matt has gone a couple steps beyond by researching, finding and piecing together a vintage drag bike with some history to it.  In other words, a man after my own heart. 

Les Myers with his '58 Pan dragbike

In part one Matt tells about some of the history of the bike and the odds defying story of how the project came to be, part two shows some of the work involved in getting the bike back into one piece, and part three shows the finished bike and initial start-up. Hats off to Matt and his crew for bringing this very cool piece of drag racing history back from oblivion.

Pants on Fire


Saturday, June 8, 2024