Saturday, August 10, 2024

What's Your Reward Going To Be?


Proverb of the Week

The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.                                        Proverbs 22:4 (ESV)


Matthew Henry, in his commentary, describes humility and the fear of the LORD as walking humbly with God in reverence to his majesty and authority, submitting with all humility to the commands of his word. Or, we might just shorten that up to say, being a true believer.

It has been suggested that the Book of Proverbs should be viewed as principles and not promises, but while believers may not be blessed with worldly riches, they will possess spiritual riches that are far more valuable. And while they may not attain long life in this world, they will inherit life eternal.  And though they may not find honor among men here, what greater honor could there be than, upon stepping into eternity, hearing the Lord greet them with the words, well done good and faithful servant?

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