Thursday, December 22, 2022

That Rare Commodity


I listen to him on the radio often, most mornings in fact.  He is entertaining, and on most political issues worth hearing. On issues of morality, he comes across as, how should I put it, a decent role model. However, therein may lie the danger.  I hesitate to use the terminology of “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”, but there is good reason to beware.  While he speaks MUCH about God and uses Christian “lingo” every day, he is not a Christian (though he would claim the contrary). The man I am talking about is Glen Beck.

In case you missed it, Glen Beck is, and has been for many years, a Mormon.  So what’s the big deal, you might ask? Well, maybe you missed that as well, but Mormons are not Christians! In fact, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormons or LDS, is THE most polytheistic (multiple gods) religion in the world, far surpassing even eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In LDS theology, there are literally (and I mean literally in its original sense, not the way it is commonly used today), an infinite number of gods. Though they would claim to be monotheists, that is just another example of Mormons using a term in a way that is foreign to traditional Christian usage.  When they claim monotheism, what they mean is that they only worship the god of this planet.

The one called “Heavenly Father” in LDS teaching, was once a man (and a sinner!) from a planet circling a star called Kolob, who “progressed” into godhood at which time he “organized” this planet out of matter, which they believe to be eternal.  The “Jesus Christ” who they use in the name of their church is the firstborn of an innumerable number of spirit children born to “Heavenly Father” by one of his many wives, which he married as a man back on his home planet (where he earned his godhood). Also among “Heavenly Father’s” eldest spirit children is Lucifer, which makes Jesus and Lucifer brothers (there’s always one black sheep in the family, right?), and though much, much younger, you and I are also spirit brothers to them both. When it comes right down to it, a whole pile of the terms we use as Christians have a meaning among the LDS that is completely foreign to us.  Even “salvation”, which is arguably one of the most important concepts in Christianity, means something totally different to a Mormon.

 That is just the peak of the iceberg of reasons that Mormons cannot be called fellow Christians by those who truly are.  But back to Glen Beck. I do not argue that you should not listen to his radio program. He’s funny. His political views are generally quite reasonable.  Just be aware that when he starts talking religion, what comes out of his mouth does not mean the same thing to him as what you might think it means (assuming you are a Christian). Exercise some discernment; that commodity which seems to be so rare these days.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Lee,I do listen To Beck on occasion and thought he was a little different. Couldn't put my finger on it.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
