Wednesday, December 14, 2022




Seems that I hear it everyday, in one context or another. Perfect. Often its just a one-word commentary of general agreement. Perfect. Other times it’s used as sarcasm. Perfect. The tone of voice and the context will generally give away how “perfect” is meant to be taken.

The one way it less often used today is to express, well … perfection! Maybe that’s because we rarely see perfection here in this world, and with good reason. Ever since Adam took a bite out of that fruit, everything surrounding us has tasted the results of that most famous of taste tests.

But there is one thing we should all be reminded of when the word “perfect” comes into view.  That is a perfect salvation. And a perfect salvation is only possible when neither mercy or justice are compromised, one for the benefit of the other.  On the side of a perfect justice, every sin needs to be punished, period.  Not just forgiven, but punished. On the side of a perfect mercy, none of the sins can be punished, period. Not just a reduced or suspended sentence.  Such a dichotomy can only be overcome by a perfect Savior, one that lived a perfectly sinless life in order that He would be a perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins demanded by a perfect justice.

That is why Jesus is the only way to salvation. Sounds perfect to me.


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