Friday, March 16, 2018

Heroic shop dog confronts predator...

then closes the door behind her!

This morning on our way to the shop, Lady (our Airedale), earned her keep by chasing a vagrant coyote off of our property. Fortunately for all involved, her 12+ years have slowed her down a bit, so she did not physically apprehend the offender. Never one to bask in her moments of glory, Lady was still thoughtful enough to close the door upon entering the shop...


  1. I once was walking down a street and a gate in a walled property opened, a man came out, looked my way and got in his truck and left. His cat or dog had followed him but when I looked again I realized it wasn't a dog or cat, it was a monkey. This startled me and I took a couple of steps toward the gate & monkey. It's not often you get a chance to scope out a monkey. At my advance a dog would have barked, a cat would have run and hid under a car; but the monkey grabbed the gate and swung it closed.

    It's a pretty smart dog that closes the door. Like a child, a dog's behavior is a measure of his upbringing.
