Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rumors of my Demise...

Well, I am not aware that there are actually any such rumors circulating yet, though it has been so long since I have posted you may have wondered.  The truth is I have just been so busy trying to keep my head above water in the shop that I have, to my shame, not been able to finish the final installment of Vintage Dual Carbs

One small part of the hold up is that I would like to make part 4 a little more than just a commentary on my past experience, however given the difficulty finding time to write, its unlikely I will find time to do actual real world testing any time soon.  That's where computer simulations come into play.  I would like to take the time to run some simulations on my Engine Analyzer software to re-enforce my thoughts for a good compromise for dual carbs on a vintage Harley.  Nothing takes the place of actual testing, but I fully expect that with some careful measurements and time with the program some valuable information will be revealed.

So stay tuned...

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