Monday, September 8, 2014


As is so often the case, I have been trying to find time to write fresh post for this blog.  I have the topic and the desire, but always so many other "projects" that steal away my time.  Sooooo, ...rather than taking the time that I would like to right now, I am going to post a link to a cool little video about someone I am proud to call a friend; Kevin Baas, or "Teach" as he is oft called.

Teach stopped by last week so we could discuss an idea for a really cool engine modification I have in mind for the current Kennedy High School Chopper Class vintage dragbike project.   While here Teach mentioned that he had a link to this new video on his blog, Vintage Bike Addiction.  The video does a pretty fair job of helping you to get to know the man and his priorities. So, without further introduction, here is

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