Heliarc welded and low mounted fuel and oil tanks were certainly unusual for 1960, as was the fiberglass rear fender/seat combo
Knuckle engine was brought out to 100 cubic inches via custom built cylinders and flywheels. Bore was 3-9/16" with a stroke of 5"
One of the coolest aspects was the starting system - a set of rollers powered by an Indian twin
Stan Dishong will be a familiar name to even freshman students of early drag racing history. Stan was definitely not shy about trying out new ideas, and from what I have seen he always executed them with beautiful workmanship. His partner and fellow fabricator on this particular bike was Terry Hines . As you may guess, pump driven fuel injection is used, which explains the low mounted tank. The article suggests that the engine could be converted from 16:1 compression ratio for use with alcohol, over to 9:1 when using nitro. In other words, a crazy compression ratio for use with a sane fuel, and sane compression ratio for use with a crazy fuel! Makes perfect sense to me. (no - really, it does)
Very Cool Lee! I hope all is well..I sent you an e-mail last week about my ULH please let me know if it came through.