Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day is the one day each year set aside to honor our nation's fallen soldiers. As is our custom at Valley View Baptist, the worship service closed with a patriotic hymn in honor of the occasion.  The hymn chosen this year was "God of Our Fathers."  I found it quite inspirational and wanted to bring it to your attention. 

The lyrics were written by Daniel C. Roberts for the occasion of the nation's centennial in 1876.  The music, a tune named "National Hymn," was written by George W. Warren specifically to go with the lyrics of "God of Our Fathers."  The following is a rendition from bobf72450's You Tube Channel.

Enjoy the music, but please remember to pray that our country might return to it's Christian roots.

Note: In the interest of accuracy, I believe that referring to this as The National Hymn is a mistake arising from the title of the tune, since to the best of my knowlege it has never had any official sanction  ...but perhaps it should.

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