Friday, March 2, 2012


Just thought I would put up a couple of pics that my friend Watso recently sent me. They were snapped last fall during the annual swap meet in the shop parking lot, hosted by the shop next door. For the last few years we have attempted to have a burn out contest as part of the festivities, with limited success. This year there were only two participants, and both of them were me. One with my son-in-laws Road King and one with the Knuckledragger.

Now I can understand why many are hesitant to use up their rubber this way, given the state of the economy and the price of tires. I might be similarly reluctant, were it not for two things. One is that the likelihood of ever wearing out the 5" slick on the Knuckledragger is somewhere between slim and none. The other is the fact that I rescue usable rear tires that are destined for the recyclers from next door to use on the Road King. The only thing I have invested in them is my own time in installing them. And I consider it time well spent...