Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Top row Big Twin, Center WL, Bottom WR

About a week ago, I received an anxiously awaited package via my friendly local UPS driver. It was the return shipment of three sets of Flathead cams which I had sent off to Mr. Jim Leineweber for regrinding. I believe its a little unusual for a small shop like mine to be dealing with three Flathead engines at the same time (though to be honest, the Big Twin of the bunch is now officially on hold due to the owner putting his new found Knuck engine in line ahead of his Flattie)

The Big Twin cams have been ground to .420" lift and +10 degrees over the stock duration. The WR (racing model) cams have been re-ground to stock specs, and the WL cams to .360" lift and +10 degrees duration. Note that the WR cams take a flat tappet, which is unusual for a Harley, which accounts for their likewise unusual lobe shape.

The WL is for a trike and will be getting stroker flywheels as well as porting to give it a little extra power for a decent cruising speed. I'll try to post a little about that project as it progresses.

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