Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Eight Years Out

This post is directly prompted by what my friend Joe over at Hear God Speak posted today. Titled "A Thought for 9/11/09" the post is simply a quotation of Luke 13:1-5. To paraphrase the Bible, some people came to Jesus with news of a tragedy in which others were killed. Far from comforting the people by telling them that it was not a judgment of God on those killed, Jesus told them that those who had died were no worse sinners than they themselves. He went on to say, that unless they repented, they would all likewise perish!

A very appropriate topic for this day.

I recall the days following 9/11/01. At the time I was a member of a small Baptist Church that went door to door on Thursday evenings. That first Thursday I was met with more openness to hear the gospel and more appreciation than at any time before or since. In that next week, our Church had far more visitors than normal; even some for the Wednesday night service. I remember thinking "is this what it takes to get people's attention?"

But, of course, by the time another week had passed, all had returned to normal. Friend, if it only lasts a week, it can't be called repentance. Please pray for our nation.

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