Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vinnie Update

"The KnuckleDragger" is finally nearing completion!

Well behind schedule, but I am maintaining some important objectives:
  1. I have not gone into debt or dipped into savings for this project
  2. I have not missed family events or given up time with my wife to work on this project
  3. I have not let this project become any kind of obsession

In other words, this is the polar opposite of my racing career 24 years ago.


  1. Congrats LEE I'll have to stop by and check it out..looks great!

  2. St. Lee,
    It sounds like your priorities are in order, and "The KnuckleDragger" looks fast just setting up on the lift. I can't wait for the first run reports.

  3. Looks Good. Like what you have done,Whizzer tank looks right

  4. Thanks for the update. I have been checking in here to see it assembled and ready to run. Do you think that you will get to run it before the snowballs are hitting us?

  5. Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. Here in Minnesota, the snow could fly any day now ;) but despite that, I expect to have it ready to run very shortly, and possibly even a pass or two down the track, if the weather holds.

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