Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2009 Donnie Smith Bike Show

If you live in Minnesota or the surrounding states, and are into Harleys, then you probably have already heard of the Donnie Smith Bike Show that is held in St. Paul each spring. As always, it is a premier event held at River Centre in St. Paul. For more info go to the show web site

As I predicted, this is a very busy week. Today (Wednesday) will be my last day in the shop this week. Thursday and Friday I will be at River Centre helping with the off loading and set up for the bike show. The promoter of the event, Neil Ryan, is a friend, so I like to lend a hand. Saturday and Sunday will find me in a booth at the show promoting Lee's Speed Shop. If you are in the area, stop by and say hello.

Sunday morning before the show opens to the public, the St. Cloud chapter of the Bond Slaves Motorcycle Club holds a short worship service for the vendors and show participants. Some years it has been only me and a half dozen club members, but last year there was a pretty good size turn out for the service. Join me there if you can.

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