Saturday, November 1, 2008

Breaking News - Nostalgia Drag Race at Union Grove June '09

Here is some great news for those of you who are fans of nostalgia drag racing and don't live near a coast. That's right, were finally going to have one here in the center of the country! So mark the date; June 12-14, 2009 at Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove Wisconsin.

I will be adding more details shortly, but here is a teaser. They will be running all pre 1972 vehicles; Top Fuel Front Engine Dragsters, Nitro Burning Funny Cars, Blown Gassers and Altereds, Super Stockers, A F/Xers, Jet Cars, Wheelstanders, Hot Rods, and MOTORCYCLES.

Of course, the part about MOTORCYCLES is of particular interest to me. If you have been following my blog, you already know that I have a lot of interest in vintage drag bikes, and have been toying with the idea of building one. This event put me over the tipping point.

The only question now is what combination of parts I will use. I still have the heads and cylinders from my last drag bike, which was a 120 cubic inch Knucklehead. But, I also have a very nice set of vintage dual Linkert Knuckle heads that would look killer on a 50's style Knuck drag racer. The third option is to use a set of single carb Knuck heads (which I also have) with the Scot blower that was once used on a real live '50s drag bike. You can read more about it from an earlier post here.

So, what do you think? I am kind of leaning toward the dual Linkert motor because of it's classic look and simplicity to build. Still, the blower has some great history to it....


  1. Thanks for this great heads-up! Wish the track wasn't so far from N.Carolina. But, it's a good advanced notice. Maybe I can plan a long weekend to check it out, and give you some moral support.


  2. Man thats tough decision Lee,
    you may have to build two bikes!?However , a dual linkert carbed knuckle just sounds fast!


    I would like to make that trip too!

  3. Thanks for the moral support guys. Actually, though the dual Linkert motor may sound fast, in actuality, it would likely be the slowest of the three. I am still leaning that way though.

  4. I'll be there with you for sure LEE. And Just in case you need another guy to run the bike I'd be happy to help you out!
    Kevin "TEACH" Baas

  5. Hey Kevin, I suppose you're going to point out that you are way younger and lighter, and that you are just as much a knuckle fanatic as I am, so it would only be right for me to let you be the pilot...

  6. what is the name of the guy putting it on?

  7. The person who has contacted me is a guy by the name of Michael Deutsch.
