Thursday, September 21, 2023

Never Too Early For A Proverb

 I'm a little early with this week's Proverb because I needed to get it posted so I can concentrate on finishing the message that I will deliver this Sunday morning at ValleyView Baptist (God willing, that is).  If all goes well, I may post the sermon here later, when time allows. BTW, a special thanks to those of you who let me know that there are still a few out there who read blogs such as this.


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Something New About Something Old

 It struck me the other day that I have not posted anything to my blog for quite some time. Of course I am not the only one. Blogs in general are nearly a lost form given the waning attention span of the majority of the country today. Facebook seems to have taken over with most of the people I know. After all it seems as though it would take far less of our precious time to peruse a few memes that our friends have shared from other sources than to actually sit down to read something.  And if Facebook might be too "wordy", then Twitter, which seems to be rebranding itself as "X" (guess the name Twitter took too long to read) even limits the number of characters that one can write in one post. Now whether those forums actually save time, or on the contrary, waste far more time due to the temptation to just keep on clicking to view the next new piece of content, is a point almost all of us might consider.  But, as they say, it is what it is.  In any case, I have decide to not abandon this blog, whether anyone still reads it or not.

So, I am going to do a bit of a "catch up" with this post. For some time now, I have had the honor of doing the Old Testament Scripture readings for our Sunday morning worship service at ValleyView Baptist. Several weeks ago, when we started into the Book of Proverbs, our Pastor asked me to choose one proverb from each reading to highlight and provide a brief commentary on it. Below are the first of these "Proverb of the Week" entries.


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